Benin, a French-speaking West African nation, is a birthplace of the vodun (or “voodoo”) religion and home to the former Dahomey Kingdom from circa 1600–1900. In Abomey, Dahomey's former capital, the Historical Museum occupies two royal palaces with bas-reliefs recounting the kingdom’s past and a throne mounted on human skulls. To the north, Pendjari National Park offers safaris with elephants, hippos and lions.

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Benin's climate is hot and humid. Annual rainfall in the coastal area averages 1,360 mm (53.5 in), not particularly high for coastal West Africa. Benin has two rainy and two dry seasons. The principal rainy season is from April to late July, with a shorter less intense rainy period from late September to November.

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CFA Franc is the currency of Benin average conversion rate
1CFA = INR 0.12

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Benin City is the capital city of Edo State Nigeria, located at the mouth of the Benin River. Most Benin City Shopping is open-market places. The city itself is authentically Nigerian with few outside influences. Shoppers will find authentically Nigerian pieces. Dantokpa Market. Dantokpa Market is the largest market in Benin.

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